Author Archive

Video – BRM Executive Briefing for Higher Education – EDUCAUSE

April, 2024 BRM Executive Brief - EDUCAUSE April 2024 Few IT areas are as misunderstood as BRM IT management sometimes hesitates to support it, perceiving...
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BRM Newsletter – February 2024

February, 2024 Welcome to our Winter BRM Newsletter! We hope the new year is off to a great start for everyone And for those facing struggles, remember the...
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BRM Newsletter – November 2023

November, 2023 Hello Colleague, Welcome to our November BRM Newsletter! It is hard to believe we are in the holiday season already, and 2024...
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Video – BRM Connect 2023 Conference Keynote – Vision 2030: The Vision, The Impact, The Dream

November, 2023 BRM Connect 2023 Conference Keynote - Vision 2030: The Vision, The Impact, The Dream The world has changed Power has shifted from the...
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Deck – BRM Connect 2023 Conference Keynote – Vision 2030: The Vision, The Impact, The Dream

November, 2023 BRM Connect 2023 Conference Keynote - Vision 2030: The Vision, The Impact, The Dream The world has changed Power has shifted from the...
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BRM Newsletter – September 2023

September, 2023 Hello Colleague, I hope you have had a wonderful summer! We have been busy here at Barkley Consulting Group, and this month I...
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LinkedIn Live: Why IT Cannot Survive Without BRM

July, 2023 LinkedIn Live: Why IT Cannot Survive Without BRM BRM is a strategic, impactful organization within IT that directly affects the success of...
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The Art of BRM: How to “Do” the BRM Role

June, 2023 The Art of BRM: How to "Do" the BRM Role BRM is much more of an art than science Learning the science is helpful, but learning the art of...
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BRM Connect 2022 Conference Keynote – The Future is Now!

October, 2022 BRM Connect 2022 Conference Keynote - The Future is Now! The BRM capability has more to offer an organization than almost any other role It is...
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BRM Connect 2021 Keynote Session – The High-Performing BRM

November, 2021 BRM 2021 Keynote Presentation - The High-Performing BRM The BRM role can be one of the most rewarding and impactful roles in an organization...
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