Author Archive

Webinar: Habits of Highly Influential BRM Teams

October, 2021 Do you ever wonder why some BRM organizations thrive while others experience difficulty This webinar breaks downs the behaviors and actions that...
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Why BRM Matters

July, 2021 There is an organizational myth that suggests that any area that does not produce a tangible product is simply “overhead”  Organizations that...
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Using Innovation to Meet Tomorrow’s Education Needs Today

June, 2021 Educators must adapt to a changing world Today's problems are real, complex, and varied Traditional thinking is no longer a viable option...
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Podcast: Design Thinking with Jeff Warren

June, 2021 Stony Brook School of Professional Development In the latest installment of the SPD Leadership Series, learn about Design Thinking and...
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BRM is Needed Now More Than Ever

June, 2020 There is an old Chinese curse that says, “May you live in interesting times”  Note that this is a curse and not a blessing There is no doubt, we...
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Unlocking The Power of Design Thinking for Today’s Business Leaders (published by The Wall Street Journal May 2020)

May, 2020 After first making the rounds in Silicon Valley, design thinking and is now making waves in the business world While at first glance the idea may...
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Commentary – Innovative Mindset is Key to Design Thinking (published in Techwire Sept. 2019)

October, 2019 Participants engage during the "Design Thinking" session at the LA Digital Summit Listening are LA County's Dave Wesolik (standing, left) and...
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BRM & Innovation

September, 2019 The BRM role is complex – BRMs are strategists, problem-solvers, communicators, and planners They must balance the need for operational excellence...
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Why BRM Development is Essential

September, 2018 Truism: for BRMs to be truly effective they must perform at the highest levels of an organization and positively contribute to its success We all...
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Empathy – Seeing Things Through the Eyes of Your Customer

February, 2018 One of the ongoing challenges we hear about is how companies don’t necessarily feel they get suitable “value” from the BRM role Yes, they have...
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