Building a BRM Program

Planning, Building, and Implementing a BRM Program That Makes a Positive Impact on Your Organization

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

– Sun Tzu

Business Relationship Management (BRM) is a highly strategic role that significantly impacts an organization. However, given its relative infancy in the business world, organizations are often unclear on how to properly incorporate BRM to reap its benefits. A successful BRM capability requires a clear strategy that defines what BRM is, what it does (and doesn’t do), its value, and how it interacts with business partners and IT.

An effective strategy defines goals, actions, and outcomes in an inspirational and comprehensible manner. Unfortunately, many BRM programs are built without a clear strategy, resulting in confusion about the role, inconsistent performance, and a lack of understanding of the value and impact that BRM can provide.

This is where we come in.

At Barkley Consulting Group, we work with organizations to define the key aspects and goals of your BRM capability to:

  • Provide clarity around what BRM does, how it does it, and the value it provides
  • Construct an effective operating model that defines how BRM works within the organization and the corresponding flows, interactions, and responsibilities
  • Design a high-level deployment plan to identify a specific roadmap and timing for delivery of the BRM rollout/relaunch
  • Create a right-sized organization model based on business needs
  • Define metrics that measure performance

Are you looking to learn more about how we can help you with BRM program development and implementation? Then, get in touch to find out more.