
BRM – What’s in a Name?

January, 2018 While some say job titles are unimportant and irrelevant, others suggest that titles speak to one’s level of knowledge, expertise, and...
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Design Thinking and Corporate Creativity

January, 2018 Here’s a common occurrence in companies today: management declares that innovation is a priority and seemingly in an instant, armies of...
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The Power of Knowing How to Think

November, 2017 An excerpt of a commencement speech from Neil deGrasse Tyson on the power of how to think vs knowing what to think, a key benefit of the...
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TED Talk – David Kelley: How To Build Your Creative Confidence

October, 2017 Is your school or workplace divided between the "creatives" versus the practical people Yet surely, David Kelley suggests, creativity is not the...
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Design Thinking’s Effect on Education

July, 2017 How one school utilizes Design Thinking to help students and teachers focus their own creativity and innovation to develop new educational...
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